When running in MIXED logging format, the server automatically switches from statement-based to row-based logging under the following conditions:
When a DML statement updates an NDBCLUSTER table.
When a function contains UUID().
When one or more tables with AUTO_INCREMENT columns are updated and a trigger or stored function is invoked. Like all other unsafe statements, this generates a warning if binlog_format = STATEMENT.
When any INSERT DELAYED is executed.
When a call to a UDF is involved.
If a statement is logged by row and the session that executed the statement has any temporary tables, logging by row is used for all subsequent statements (except for those accessing temporary tables) until all temporary tables in use by that session are dropped.
This is true whether or not any temporary tables are actually logged.
Temporary tables cannot be logged using row-based format; thus, once row-based logging is used, all subsequent statements using that table are unsafe. The server approximates this condition by treating all statements executed during the session as unsafe until the session no longer holds any temporary tables.
When FOUND_ROWS() or ROW_COUNT() is used. (Bug #12092, Bug #30244)
When USER(), CURRENT_USER(), or CURRENT_USER is used. (Bug #28086)
When a statement refers to one or more system variables. (Bug #31168)