根据上面出现的问题,我使用百度搜索了下,大概的原因知道了:从Spring Boot 2.4版本开始,配置文件加载方式进行了重构。
Spring Boot 2.3.8.RELEASE
package org.springframework.cloud.bootstrap;
public class BootstrapApplicationListener implements ApplicationListener<ApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent>, Ordered {
public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent event) {
ConfigurableEnvironment environment = event.getEnvironment();
if ((Boolean)environment.getProperty("spring.cloud.bootstrap.enabled", Boolean.class, true)) {
Spring Boot 2.4.2
package org.springframework.cloud.util;
public abstract class PropertyUtils {
public static boolean bootstrapEnabled(Environment environment) {
return (Boolean)environment.getProperty("spring.cloud.bootstrap.enabled", Boolean.class, false) || MARKER_CLASS_EXISTS;
Config First Bootstrap
To use the legacy bootstrap way of connecting to Config Server, bootstrap must be enabled via a property or the spring-cloud-starter-bootstrap starter. The property is spring.cloud.bootstrap.enabled=true. It must be set as a System Property or environment variable. Once bootstrap has been enabled any application with Spring Cloud Config Client on the classpath will connect to Config Server as follows: When a config client starts, it binds to the Config Server (through the spring.cloud.config.uri bootstrap configuration property) and initializes Spring Environment with remote property sources.
The net result of this behavior is that all client applications that want to consume the Config Server need a bootstrap.yml (or an environment variable) with the server address set in spring.cloud.config.uri (it defaults to "http://localhost:8888").