'// Function:GetAssetInfo()
'// Purpose:Get asset information using WMI
Function GetAssetInfo
Dim bIsLaptop, bIsDesktop, bIsServer, bOnBattery, bFoundBattery, bFoundAC
Dim sAssetTag, sSerialNumber, sMake, sModel, sProduct, sUUID, sMemory, sArchitecture, sProcessorSpeed, sCapableArchitecture
Dim objResults, objInstance
Dim i
Dim bisX64, bIsUEFI, bSupportsSLAT, bSupportsX64, bSupportsX86
oLogging.CreateEntry "Getting asset info", LogTypeInfo
' Get the SMBIOS asset tag from the Win32_SystemEnclosure class
Set objResults = objWMI.InstancesOf("Win32_SystemEnclosure")
bIsLaptop = false
bIsDesktop = false
bIsServer = false
For each objInstance in objResults
If objInstance.ChassisTypes(0) = 12 or objInstance.ChassisTypes(0) = 21 then
' Ignore docking stations
If not IsNull(objInstance.SMBIOSAssetTag) then
sAssetTag = Trim(objInstance.SMBIOSAssetTag)
End if
Select Case objInstance.ChassisTypes(0)
Case "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "14", "18", "21", "17", "32" 'Added Chassis Type 17 for Surface Pro , also added Chassis Type 32 for Latitude 5285
bIsLaptop = true
Case "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "15", "16", "13" ' Added Chassis Type 13 for AIO models
bIsDesktop = true
Case "23"
bIsServer = true
Case Else
' Do nothing
End Select
End if
If sAssetTag = "" then
oLogging.CreateEntry "Unable to determine asset tag via WMI.", LogTypeInfo
End if
' Get the serial number from the Win32_BIOS class.
Set objResults = objWMI.InstancesOf("Win32_BIOS")
For each objInstance in objResults
' Get the serial number
If not IsNull(objInstance.SerialNumber) then
sSerialNumber = Trim(objInstance.SerialNumber)
End if
If sSerialNumber = "" then
oLogging.CreateEntry "Unable to determine serial number via WMI.", LogTypeInfo
End if
' Figure out the architecture from the environment
If oEnv("PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432") <> "" then
If UCase(oEnv("PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432")) = "AMD64" then
sArchitecture = "X64"
sArchitecture = UCase(oEnv("PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432"))
End if
ElseIf UCase(oEnv("PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE")) = "AMD64" then
sArchitecture = "X64"
sArchitecture = UCase(oEnv("PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE"))
End if
' Get the processor speed from the Win32_Processor class.
bSupportsX86 = false
bSupportsX64 = false
bSupportsSLAT = false
Set objResults = objWMI.InstancesOf("Win32_Processor")
For each objInstance in objResults
' Get the processor speed
If not IsNull(objInstance.MaxClockSpeed) then
sProcessorSpeed = Trim(objInstance.MaxClockSpeed)
End if
' Determine if the machine supports SLAT (only supported with Windows 8)
On Error Resume Next
bSupportsSLAT = objInstance.SecondLevelAddressTranslationExtensions
On Error Goto 0
' Get the capable architecture
If not IsNull(objInstance.Architecture) then
Select Case objInstance.Architecture
Case 0
' If the processor is running a x86 OS, then there is *Still* the possibility that it can
' support a x64 OS. We need to run a quick processor check to see if it supports x64.
bisX64 = FALSE
On Error Resume Next
bisX64 = oUtility.BDDUtility.Is64Bit
On Error Goto 0
If bisX64 = TRUE then
sCapableArchitecture = "AMD64 X64 X86"
bSupportsX86 = true
bSupportsX64 = true
sCapableArchitecture = "X86"
bSupportsX86 = true
End if
Case 6
sCapableArchitecture = "IA64"
Case 9
sCapableArchitecture = "AMD64 X64 X86"
bSupportsX86 = true
bSupportsX64 = true
Case Else
SCapableArchitecture = "Unknown"
End Select
End if
' Stop after first processor since all should match
Exit For
If sProcessorSpeed = "" then
oLogging.CreateEntry "Unable to determine processor speed via WMI.", LogTypeInfo
End if
If sCapableArchitecture = "" then
oLogging.CreateEntry "Unable to determine capable architecture via WMI.", LogTypeInfo
End if
' Get the make, model, and memory from the Win32_ComputerSystem class
Set objResults = objWMI.InstancesOf("Win32_ComputerSystem")
For each objInstance in objResults
If not IsNull(objInstance.Manufacturer) then
sMake = Trim(objInstance.Manufacturer)
End if
If not IsNull(objInstance.Model) then
sModel = Trim(objInstance.Model)
End if
If not IsNull(objInstance.TotalPhysicalMemory) then
sMemory = Trim(Int(objInstance.TotalPhysicalMemory / 1024 / 1024))
End if
If sMake = "" then
oLogging.CreateEntry "Unable to determine make via WMI.", LogTypeInfo
End if
If sModel = "" then
oLogging.CreateEntry "Unable to determine model via WMI.", LogTypeInfo
End If
' Get the Lenovo Model Version from the Win32_ComputerSystemProduct class
' http://smulpuru.wordpress.com/2011/02/16/mdt-custom-variable-for-lenovo-model-drivergroup/
' Added 10/08/2013 - dhedges
'If sMake = "LENOVO" Then
'Set objResults = objWMI.InstancesOf("Win32_ComputerSystemProduct")
'For Each objInstance In objResults
'sLenovoModel = objInstance.Version
'If sLenovoModel = "" Then
'sLenovoModel = Null
'oLogging.CreateEntry "Unable to determine LenovoModel tag via WMI", LogTypeInfo
'End If
'End If
' Get the UUID from the Win32_ComputerSystemProduct class
Set objResults = objWMI.InstancesOf("Win32_ComputerSystemProduct")
For each objInstance in objResults
If not IsNull(objInstance.UUID) then
sUUID = Trim(objInstance.UUID)
End if
If sUUID = "" then
oLogging.CreateEntry "Unable to determine UUID via WMI.", LogTypeInfo
End if
' Get the product from the Win32_BaseBoard class
Set objResults = objWMI.InstancesOf("Win32_BaseBoard")
For each objInstance in objResults
If not IsNull(objInstance.Product) then
sProduct = Trim(objInstance.Product)
End if
If sProduct = "" then
oLogging.CreateEntry "Unable to determine product via WMI.", LogTypeInfo
End if
' Determine if we are running UEFI
On Error Resume Next
bIsUEFI = oUtility.BDDUtility.IsUEFI
On Error Goto 0
' See if we are running on battery
If oEnv("SystemDrive") = "X:" and oFSO.FileExists("X:\Windows\Inf\Battery.inf") then
' Load the battery driver
oShell.Run "drvload X:\Windows\Inf\Battery.inf", 0, true
End if
bFoundAC = False
bFoundBattery = False
Set objResults = objWMI.InstancesOf("Win32_Battery")
For each objInstance in objResults
bFoundBattery = True
If objInstance.BatteryStatus = 2 then
bFoundAC = True
End if
If bFoundBattery and (not bFoundAC) then
bOnBattery = True
bOnBattery = False
End if
'set IsLaptop to true as long as Surface Pro model detected no matter what the chassistype is
If ((instr(sModel,"Surface Pro")) > 0) and (sMake = "Microsoft Corporation") then
bIsLaptop = true
End if
oEnvironment.Item("AssetTag") = sAssetTag
oEnvironment.Item("SerialNumber") = sSerialNumber
oEnvironment.Item("Make") = sMake
oEnvironment.Item("Model") = sModel
oEnvironment.Item("Product") = sProduct
oEnvironment.Item("UUID") = sUUID
oEnvironment.Item("Memory") = sMemory
oEnvironment.Item("Architecture") = sArchitecture
oEnvironment.Item("ProcessorSpeed") = sProcessorSpeed
oEnvironment.Item("CapableArchitecture") = sCapableArchitecture
oEnvironment.Item("IsLaptop") = oUtility.ConvertBooleanToString(bIsLaptop)
oEnvironment.Item("IsDesktop") = oUtility.ConvertBooleanToString(bIsDesktop)
oEnvironment.Item("IsServer") = oUtility.ConvertBooleanToString(bIsServer)
oEnvironment.Item("IsUEFI") = oUtility.ConvertBooleanToString(bIsUEFI)
oEnvironment.Item("IsOnBattery") = oUtility.ConvertBooleanToString(bOnBattery)
oEnvironment.Item("SupportsX86") = oUtility.ConvertBooleanToString(bSupportsX86)
oEnvironment.Item("SupportsX64") = oUtility.ConvertBooleanToString(bSupportsX64)
If bSupportsSLAT or oEnvironment.Item("SupportsSLAT") = "" then
oEnvironment.Item("SupportsSLAT") = oUtility.ConvertBooleanToString(bSupportsSLAT)
oLogging.CreateEntry "Property SupportsSLAT = " & oEnvironment.Item("SupportsSLAT"), LogTypeInfo
End if
oLogging.CreateEntry "Finished getting asset info", LogTypeInfo
GetAssetInfo = Success
End Function
创建一个新的MDT包,在Surface Pro 7+ 上跑一次OSD image,会发现所有笔记本要安装的app全部成功安装了。
至此,问题解决,而且以后出的Surface Pro系列都会识别为Laptop类型。