% Define the macro.
% 1st argument: Height and width of the layer rectangle slice.
% 2nd argument: Depth of the layer slice
% 3rd argument: X Offset --> use it to offset layers from previously drawn layers.
% 4th argument: Y Offset --> Use it when an output needs to be fed to multiple layers that are on the same X offset.
% 5th argument: Z Offset --> Use to offset layers from previous
% 6th argument: Options for filldraw.
% 7th argument: Text to be placed below this layer.
% 8th argument: Name of coordinates. When name = "start" this resets the offset counter
% 9th argument: list of nodes to connect to (previous layers)
% 全局变量
\ifthenelse{\equal{#8} {start}}
\def\hw{#1} % Used to distinguish input resolution for current layer.
\def\c{#2} % Width of the cube to distinguish number of input channels for current layer.
\def\x{\currentOffset} % X offset for current layer.
\def\y{#4} % Y offset for current layer.
\def\z{#5} % Z offset for current layer.
% Define references to points on the cube surfaces
\coordinate (#8_front) at (\x+\c , \z , \y);
\coordinate (#8_back) at (\x , \z , \y);
\coordinate (#8_top) at (\x+\c/2, \z+\hw/2, \y);
\coordinate (#8_bottom) at (\x+\c/2, \z-\hw/2, \y);
% Define cube coords
\coordinate (blr) at (\c+\x, -\hw/2+\z, -\hw/2+\y); %back lower right
\coordinate (bur) at (\c+\x, \hw/2+\z, -\hw/2+\y); %back upper right
\coordinate (bul) at (0 +\x, \hw/2+\z, -\hw/2+\y); %back upper left
\coordinate (fll) at (0 +\x, -\hw/2+\z, \hw/2+\y); %front lower left
\coordinate (flr) at (\c+\x, -\hw/2+\z, \hw/2+\y); %front lower right
\coordinate (fur) at (\c+\x, \hw/2+\z, \hw/2+\y); %front upper right
\coordinate (ful) at (0 +\x, \hw/2+\z, \hw/2+\y); %front upper left
% Draw connections from other points to the back of this node
\ifthenelse{\equal{#9} {}}
{} % 为空什么都不做
{ % 非空 开始画层与层之间的连线
\foreach \val in #9
% \val = start_front
\draw[line width=0.3mm] (\val)--(#8_back);
% Draw the layer body.
% back plane
\draw[line width=0.3mm](blr) -- (bur) -- (bul);
% front plane
\draw[line width=0.3mm](fll) -- (flr) node[midway,below] {\inText} -- (fur) -- (ful) -- (fll);
\draw[line width=0.3mm](blr) -- (flr);
\draw[line width=0.3mm](bur) -- (fur);
\draw[line width=0.3mm](bul) -- (ful);
% Recolor visible surfaces
% front plane
\filldraw[#6] ($(fll)+(\b,\b,0)$) -- ($(flr)+(-\b,\b,0)$) -- ($(fur)+(-\b,-\b,0)$) -- ($(ful)+(\b,-\b,0)$) -- ($(fll)+(\b,\b,0)$);
\filldraw[#6] ($(ful)+(\b,0,-\b)$) -- ($(fur)+(-\b,0,-\b)$) -- ($(bur)+(-\b,0,\b)$) -- ($(bul)+(\b,0,\b)$);
% Colored slice.
\ifthenelse {\equal{#6} {}}
{} % Do not draw colored slice if #6 is blank.
% Else, draw a colored slice.
{\filldraw[#6] ($(flr)+(0,\b,-\b)$) -- ($(blr)+(0,\b,\b)$) -- ($(bur)+(0,-\b,\b)$) -- ($(fur)+(0,-\b,-\b)$);}
\draw[ultra thick, red] (#8_back) circle[radius=0.02];
\node[left] at (#8_back) {back};
\draw[ultra thick, red] (#8_top) circle[radius=0.02];
\node[above] at (#8_top) {top};
\draw[ultra thick, red] (#8_bottom) circle[radius=0.02];
\node[below] at (#8_bottom) {bottom};
\draw[ultra thick, red] (#8_front) circle[radius=0.02];
\node[left] at (#8_front) {front};
\def\hw{#1} % Used to distinguish input resolution for current layer.
\def\c{#2} % Width of the cube to distinguish number of input channels for current layer.
\def\x{\currentOffset} % X offset for current layer.
\def\y{#4} % Y offset for current layer.
\def\z{#5} % Z offset for current layer.
% Define references to points on the cube surfaces
\coordinate (#8_front) at (\x+\c , \z , \y);
\coordinate (#8_back) at (\x , \z , \y);
\coordinate (#8_top) at (\x+\c/2, \z+\hw/2, \y);
\coordinate (#8_bottom) at (\x+\c/2, \z-\hw/2, \y);
% Define cube coords
\coordinate (blr) at (\c+\x, -\hw/2+\z, -\hw/2+\y); %back lower right
\coordinate (bur) at (\c+\x, \hw/2+\z, -\hw/2+\y); %back upper right
\coordinate (bul) at (0 +\x, \hw/2+\z, -\hw/2+\y); %back upper left
\coordinate (fll) at (0 +\x, -\hw/2+\z, \hw/2+\y); %front lower left
\coordinate (flr) at (\c+\x, -\hw/2+\z, \hw/2+\y); %front lower right
\coordinate (fur) at (\c+\x, \hw/2+\z, \hw/2+\y); %front upper right
\coordinate (ful) at (0 +\x, \hw/2+\z, \hw/2+\y); %front upper left
% Draw connections from other points to the back of this node
\ifthenelse{\equal{#9} {}}
{} % 为空什么都不做
{ % 非空 开始画层与层之间的连线
\foreach \val in #9
% \val = start_front
\draw[line width=0.3mm] (\val)--(#8_back);