create table `tree` (
`id` bigint(11) not null,
`pid` bigint(11) null default null,
`name` varchar(255) character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci null default null,
primary key (`id`) using btree
) engine = innodb character set = utf8 collate = utf8_general_ci row_format = dynamic;
insert into `tree` values (1, 0, '中国');
insert into `tree` values (2, 1, '四川省');
insert into `tree` values (3, 2, '成都市');
insert into `tree` values (4, 3, '武侯区');
insert into `tree` values (5, 4, '红牌楼');
insert into `tree` values (6, 1, '广东省');
insert into `tree` values (7, 1, '浙江省');
insert into `tree` values (8, 6, '广州市');
2.2 获取 某节点下所有子节点
create function `get_child_node`(rootid varchar(100))
returns varchar(2000)
declare str varchar(2000);
declare cid varchar(100);
set str = '$';
set cid = rootid;
while cid is not null do
set str = concat(str, ',', cid);
select group_concat(id) into cid from tree where find_in_set(pid, cid);
end while;
return str;
select * from tree where find_in_set(id, get_child_node(2));
2.3 获取 某节点的所有父节点
create function `get_parent_node`(rootid varchar(100))
returns varchar(1000)
declare fid varchar(100) default '';
declare str varchar(1000) default rootid;
while rootid is not null do
set fid =(select pid from tree where id = rootid);
if fid is not null then
set str = concat(str, ',', fid);
set rootid = fid;
set rootid = fid;
end if;
end while;
return str;
select * from tree where find_in_set(id, get_parent_node(5));
3. oracle数据库的方式
只需要使用start with connect by prior语句即可完成递归的树查询,详情请自己查阅相关资料。
insert into company_inf values ('1','总经理王大麻子','1');
insert into company_inf values ('2','研发部经理刘大瘸子','1');
insert into company_inf values ('3','销售部经理马二愣子','1');
insert into company_inf values ('4','财务部经理赵三驼子','1');
insert into company_inf values ('5','秘书员工j','1');
insert into company_inf values ('6','研发一组组长吴大棒槌','2');
insert into company_inf values ('7','研发二组组长郑老六','2');
insert into company_inf values ('8','销售人员g','3');
insert into company_inf values ('9','销售人员h','3');
insert into company_inf values ('10','财务人员i','4');
insert into company_inf values ('11','开发人员a','6');
insert into company_inf values ('12','开发人员b','6');
insert into company_inf values ('13','开发人员c','6');
insert into company_inf values ('14','开发人员d','7');
insert into company_inf values ('15','开发人员e','7');
insert into company_inf values ('16','开发人员f','7');
select *
from t_portal_authority
start with id='1'
connect by prior id = parent_id
create function getchild(parentid varchar(1000))
returns varchar(1000)
declare otemp varchar(1000);
declare otempchild varchar(1000);
set otemp = '';
set otempchild =parentid;
while otempchild is not null do
if otemp != '' then
set otemp = concat(otemp,',',otempchild);
set otemp = otempchild;
end if;
select group_concat(id) into otempchild from company_inf where parentid<>id and find_in_set(parent_id,otempchild)>0;
end while;
return otemp;
select * from company_inf where find_in_set(id,getchild('2'));