* Add scopes to apply for and obtains the authorization process Intent.
private void requestAuth() {
// Add scopes to apply for. The following only shows an example.
// Developers need to add scopes according to their specific needs.
String[] allScopes = Scopes.getAllScopes();
// Obtains the authorization process Intent.
// True indicates that the health app authorization process is enabled. False indicates disabled.
Intent intent = mSettingController.requestAuthorizationIntent(allScopes, true);
// The authorization process page is displayed.
startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_AUTH);
* read the latest data basing on data type
* @param view (indicating a UI object)
public void readLatestData(View view) {
// 1. Use the specified data type (DT_INSTANTANEOUS_HEIGHT) to call the data controller to query
// the latest data of this data type.
List<DataType> dataTypes = new ArrayList<>();
Task<Map<DataType, SamplePoint>> readLatestDatas = dataController.readLatestData(dataTypes);
// 2. Calling the data controller to query the latest data is an asynchronous operation.
// Therefore, a listener needs to be registered to monitor whether the data query is successful or not.
readLatestDatas.addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<Map<DataType, SamplePoint>>() {
public void onSuccess(Map<DataType, SamplePoint> samplePointMap) {
logger("Success read latest data from HMS core");
if (samplePointMap != null) {
for (DataType dataType : dataTypes) {
if (samplePointMap.containsKey(dataType)) {
} else {
logger("The DataType " + dataType.getName() + " has no latest data");
readLatestDatas.addOnFailureListener(new OnFailureListener() {
public void onFailure(Exception e) {
String errorCode = e.getMessage();
String errorMsg = HiHealthStatusCodes.getStatusCodeMessage(Integer.parseInt(errorCode));
logger(errorCode + ": " + errorMsg);