[main()] => Array
[ct] => 1
[wt] => 9
Assuming you have set up the http based UI for
XHProf at some address, you can view run at
// stop profiler
$xhprof_data = xhprof_disable();
// display raw xhprof data for the profiler run
include_once "xhprof_lib.php";
include_once "xhprof_runs.php";
// save raw data for this profiler run using default
// implementation of iXHProfRuns.
$xhprof_runs = new XHProfRuns_Default();
// save the run under a namespace "xhprof_foo"
$run_id = $xhprof_runs->save_run($xhprof_data, "xhprof_foo");
echo "---------------\n".
"Assuming you have set up the http based UI for \n".
"XHProf at some address, you can view run at \n".