这篇文章主要介绍了SQL实现LeetCode(181.员工挣得比经理多),本篇文章通过简要的案例,讲解了该项技术的了解与使用,以下就是详细内容,需要的朋友可以参考下 [LeetCode] 181.Employees Earning More Than Their Managers 员工挣得比经理多
The Employee table holds all employees including their managers. Every employee has an Id, and there is also a column for the manager Id.
| Id | Name | Salary | ManagerId |
| 1 | Joe | 70000 | 3 |
| 2 | Henry | 80000 | 4 |
| 3 | Sam | 60000 | NULL |
| 4 | Max | 90000 | NULL |
Given the Employee table, write a SQL query that finds out employees who earn more than their managers. For the above table, Joe is the only employee who earns more than his manager.
| Employee |
| Joe |