在使用jacb前,我们需要去下载 jacob.jar 和 jacob-1.18-x64.dll
</dependency> 然后需要注意的是jar的地址,需要根据自己的情况修改
接下来我们贴一下具体使用的代码片段import java.io.file;
import org.apache.log4j.logger;
import com.jacob.activex.activexcomponent;
import com.jacob.com.dispatch;
import com.jacob.com.variant;
* converter util
* @author jason
public class officeconverterutil {
* log
private static logger logger = logger.getlogger(officeconverterutil.class);
private static final int wdfo_rmatpdf = 17;
private static final int xltype_pdf = 0;
private static final int ppt_saveas_pdf = 32;
public static final int word_html = 8;
public static final int word_txt = 7;
public static final int excel_html = 44;
public static final int ppt_saveas_jpg = 17;
// private static final int msotrue = -1;
// private static final int msofalse = 0;
* @param arginputfilepath
* @param argpdfpath
* @return
public static boolean officefileconvertertopdf(string arginputfilepath, string argpdfpath) {
if (arginputfilepath.isempty() || argpdfpath.isempty() || getfilesufix(arginputfilepath).isempty()) {
return false;
string suffix = getfilesufix(arginputfilepath);
file file = new file(arginputfilepath);
if (!file.exists()) {
return false;
// pdf如果不存在则创建文件夹
file = new file(getfilepath(argpdfpath));
if (!file.exists()) {
// 如果输入的路径为pdf 则生成失败
if (suffix.equals("pdf")) {
system.out.println("pdf not need to convert!");
return false;
if (suffix.equals("doc") || suffix.equals("docx") || suffix.equals("txt")) {
return wordtopdf(arginputfilepath, argpdfpath);
} else if (suffix.equals("xls") || suffix.equals("xlsx")) {
return exceltopdf(arginputfilepath, argpdfpath);
} else if (suffix.equals("ppt") || suffix.equals("pptx")) {
return ppttopdf(arginputfilepath, argpdfpath);
// return ppt2pdf(arginputfilepath, argpdfpath);
return false;
* converter word to pdf
* @param wordpath
* @param pdfpath
* @return
public static boolean wordtopdf(string wordpath, string pdfpath) {
activexcomponent mswordapp = new activexcomponent("word.application");
mswordapp.setproperty("visible", new variant(false));
dispatch docs = dispatch.get(mswordapp, "documents").todispatch();
// long pdfstart = system.currenttimemillis();
dispatch doc = dispatch.invoke(docs, "open", dispatch.method, new object[] { wordpath, new variant(false), new variant(true) }, new int[1]).todispatch();
dispatch.invoke(doc, "saveas", dispatch.method, new object[] { pdfpath, new variant(wdfo_rmatpdf) }, new int[1]);
// long pdfend = system.currenttimemillis();
logger.debug(wordpath + ",pdf转换完成..");
if (null != doc) {
dispatch.call(doc, "close", false);
return true;
* excel to pdf
* @param inputfile
* @param pdffile
* @return
public static boolean exceltopdf(string inputfile, string pdffile) {
activexcomponent activexcomponent = new activexcomponent("excel.application");
activexcomponent.setproperty("visible", false);
dispatch excels = activexcomponent.getproperty("workbooks").todispatch();
dispatch excel = dispatch.call(excels, "open", inputfile, false, true).todispatch();
dispatch.call(excel, "exportasfixedformat", xltype_pdf, pdffile);
dispatch.call(excel, "close", false);
return true;
* ppt to pdf
* @param inputfile
* @param pdffile
* @return
public static boolean ppttopdf(string inputfile, string pdffile) {
// comthread.initsta();
activexcomponent activexcomponent = new activexcomponent("powerpoint.application");
// activexcomponent.setproperty("visible", new variant(false));
dispatch ppts = activexcomponent.getproperty("presentations").todispatch();
dispatch ppt = dispatch.call(ppts, "open", inputfile, false, // readonly
true, // untitled指定文件是否有标题
true// withwindow指定文件是否可见
// dispatch ppt = dispatch.invoke(ppts, "open", dispatch.method, new object[] { inputfile, new variant(false), new variant(true) }, new int[1]).todispatch();
// dispatch.call(ppt, "saveas", pdffile, ppt_saveas_pdf);
// dispatch.call(ppt, "saveas", pdffile, new variant(ppt_saveas_pdf));
// dispatch.call(ppt, "saveas", pdffile, new variant(ppt_saveas_pdf));
// dispatch.invoke(ppt, "saveas", dispatch.method, new object[] { pdffile, ppt_saveas_pdf }, new int[1]);
// dispatch.invoke(ppt, "saveas", dispatch.method, new object[] { new variant(ppt_saveas_pdf) }, new int[1]);
dispatch.calln(ppt, "saveas", new variant(pdffile));
dispatch.call(ppt, "close");
// comthread.release();
return true;
* ppt to img
* @param inputfile
* @param imgfile
* @return
public static boolean ppttoimg(string inputfile, string imgfile) {
// 打开word应用程序
activexcomponent app = new activexcomponent("powerpoint.application");
// 设置word不可见,office可能有限制
// app.setproperty("visible", false);
// 获取word中国所打开的文档,返回documents对象
dispatch files = app.getproperty("presentations").todispatch();
// 调用documents对象中open方法打开文档,并返回打开的文档对象document
dispatch file = dispatch.call(files, "open", inputfile, true, true, false).todispatch();
// 调用document对象的saveas方法,将文档保存为pdf格式
// dispatch.call(doc, "exportasfixedformat", outputfile,
// ppt_to_pdf);
dispatch.call(file, "saveas", imgfile, ppt_saveas_jpg);
// 关闭文档
// dispatch.call(file, "close", false);
dispatch.call(file, "close");
// 关闭word应用程序
// app.invoke("quit", 0);
return true;
* get file extension
* @param argfilepath
* @return
public static string getfilesufix(string argfilepath) {
int splitindex = argfilepath.lastindexof(".");
return argfilepath.substring(splitindex + 1);
* substring file path
* @param argfilepath
* file path
* @return filepaths
public static string getfilepath(string argfilepath) {
int pathindex = argfilepath.lastindexof("/");
return argfilepath.substring(0, pathindex);
* 如果pdf存在则删除pdf
* @param pdfpath
private static void deletepdf(string pdfpath) {
file pdffile = new file(pdfpath);
if (pdffile.exists()) {
} 根据自己的调试,试验一下吧。
另外还有一段wps转pdf,也贴一下,供大家参考一下public void wps2pdf(string inputfile,string pdffile) {
file sfile = new file(inputfile);
file tfile = new file(pdffile);
activexcomponent wps = null;
try {
wps = new activexcomponent("wps.application");
activexcomponent doc = wps.invokegetcomponent("documents").invokegetcomponent("open", new variant(sfile.getabsolutepath()));
doc.invoke("exportpdf", new variant(tfile.getabsolutepath()));
} catch (exception e) {
} finally {
if (wps != null) {
} 以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持CodeAE代码之家。