4. 这里,我们比较关心的是CPU和PSU的关系,到底是什么?
Critical Patch Updates (CPU) address security vulnerabilities, Patch Set Updates (PSU) address proactive, critical fixes and security vulnerabilities.
The Patch Set Updates and Critical Patch Updates that are released each quarter contain the same security fixes. However, they use different patching mechanisms, and Patch Set Updates include both security and recommended bug fixes. Consider the following guidelines when you are deciding to apply Patch Set Updates instead of Critical Patch Updates.
Critical Patch Updates are applied only on the base release version, for example
Patch Set Updates can be applied on the base release version or on any earlier Patch Set Update. For example, can be applied on and
Once a Patch Set Update has been applied, the recommended way to get future security content is to apply subsequent Patch Set Updates. Reverting from an applied Patch Set Update back to the Critical Patch Update, while technically possible, requires significant time and effort, and is not advised.
For more information on Patch Set Updates, see Note 854428.1, Patch Set Updates for Oracle Products. 总结:就是PSU包含CPU, PSU可以累加往上应用,但是CPU必须先回滚,才能继续应用。
Oracle Support很多年,似乎客户都是使用PSU来修复问题,极少有客户使用CPU的,毕竟PSU的延续性,似乎更好。
5. 概念都了解之后,我们再回头看扫描软件扫描出的漏洞,我们该如何解决。
OPN.oracle.com -> Topic Centers (www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/index.html) -> Security -> View the most recent Critical Patch Update Advisory -> Map of Public Vulnerability to Advisory/Alert
6. 例如,下面提示的漏洞,根据漏洞发现时间,结合文档,根据修复日期,查找相对应的PSU/CPU复Quick Reference to Patch Numbers for Database PSU, SPU(CPU), Bundle Patches and Patchsets (Doc ID 1454618.1)
可以查询到11.发布的时间是 JAN2015)版本之后的PSU,就已经修复了下面这些问题了。
Oracle Database Server JPublisher组件代码执行漏洞(CVE-2014-6546) -------------CVE-2014-6546 Oracle Critical Patch Update October 2014
Oracle Database Server JPublisher组件代码执行漏洞(CVE-2014-6545) -------------CVE-2014-6545 Oracle Critical Patch Update October 2014
Oracle Database Server Java VM组件代码执行漏洞(CVE-2014-6467) -------------CVE-2014-6467 Oracle Critical Patch Update October 2014
Oracle Database Server SQLJ组件代码执行漏洞(CVE-2014-6455) -------------CVE-2014-6455 Oracle Critical Patch Update October 2014
Oracle Database 远程安全漏洞(CVE-2014-2406) -------------CVE-2014-2406 Oracle Critical Patch Update April 2014
Oracle Database 远程安全漏洞(CVE-2014-2408) -------------CVE-2014-2408 Oracle Critical Patch Update April 2014
Oracle Database Server远程安全漏洞(CVE-2014-4236) -------------CVE-2014-4236 Oracle Critical Patch Update July 2014
Oracle Database Server Jpublisher组件漏洞(CVE-2014-6477) -------------CVE-2014-6477 Oracle Critical Patch Update October 2014
Oracle Database Server Spatial组件本地安全漏洞(CVE-2014-0378) -------------CVE-2014-0378 Oracle Critical Patch Update January 2014
Oracle Database Server Core RDBMS组件远程安全漏洞(CVE-2013-5858) -------------CVE-2013-5858 Oracle Critical Patch Update January 2014
Oracle Database Server Core RDBMS组件远程信息泄露安全漏洞(CVE-2014-0377) -----CVE-2014-0377 Oracle Critical Patch Update January 2014
Oracle Database Server远程安全漏洞(CVE-2014-4237) -------------CVE-2014-4237 Oracle Critical Patch Update July 2014
Oracle Database Server远程安全漏洞(CVE-2014-4245) -------------CVE-2014-4245 Oracle Critical Patch Update July 2014
Oracle Database Server Java VM组件代码执行漏洞(CVE-2014-6560) ------------- CVE-2014-6560 Oracle Critical Patch Update October 2014
7. 文档数据库patch版本列表
Quick Reference to Patch Numbers for Database PSU, SPU(CPU), Bundle Patches and Patchsets (Doc ID 1454618.1)