Install rdiff-backup at both local and remote computers
#install for ubuntu, debian
sudo apt-get install python-dev librsync-dev
#self compile
#downlaod rsync-dev from
tar xvzf librsync-0.9.7.tar.gz
./configure --prefix=/home/user/rsync --with-pic
make install
Install rdiff-backup
#See Reference part for download link
python install --prefix=/home/user/rdiff-backup
#If you complied rsync-dev yourself, please specify the location of rsync-dev
python --librsync-dir=/home/user/rsync install -- prefix=/home/user/rdiff-backup
Add exeutable files and python modules to environmental variables
#Add the following words into .bashrc or .bash_profile or any other config files
export PATH=${PATH}:/home/user/rdiff-backup/bin
export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:/home/user/rdiff-backup/lib/python2.x/site-packages
#pay attention to the x in python2.x of above line which can be 6 or 7 depending on
#the Python version used.
Test environmental variable when executing commands through ssh
ssh user@host 'echo ${PATH}' #When I run this command in my local computer,
#I found only system environmetal variable is used
#and none of my self-defined environmetal variable is used.
#Then, I modified the following lines in file '' in
#to set environmental explicitly when login.
#pay attention to the single quote used inside double quote
__cmd_schema = "ssh -C %s 'source ~/.bash_profile; rdiff-backup --server'"
__cmd_schema_no_compress = "ssh %s 'source ~/.bash_profile; rdiff-backup --server'"
#choose the one contains environmental variable for rdiff-backup from .bash_profile and .bashrc.
Use rdiff-backup
Start backup
rdiff-backup --no-compression --print-statistics user@host::/home/user/source_dir destination_dir
If the destination_dir exists, please add --force like rdiff-backup --no-compression --force --print-statistics user@host::/home/user/source_dir destination_dir. All things in original destination_dir will be depleted.
If you want to exclude or include special files or dirs please specify like --exclude '**trash' or --include /home/user/source_dir/important.
Timely backup your data
Add the above command into crontab (hit 'crontab -e' in terminal to open crontab) in the format like 5 22 */1 * * command which means executing the command at 22:05 everyday.
Restore data
Restore the latest data by running rdiff-backup -r now destination_dir user@host::/home/user/source_dir.restore. Add --force if you want to restore to source_dir.
Restore files 10 days ago by running rdiff-backup -r 10D destination_dir user@host::/home/user/source_dir.restore. Other acceptable time formats include 5m4s (5 minutes 4 seconds) and 2014-01-01 (January 1st, 2014).
Restore files from an increment file by running rdiff-backup destination_dir/rdiff-backup-data/increments/server_add.2014-02-21T09:22:45+08:00.missing user@host::/home/user/source_dir.restore/server_add. Increment files are stored in destination_dir/rdiff-backup-data/increments/server_add.2014-02-21T09:22:45+08:00.missing.
Remove older records to save space
Deletes all information concerning file versions which have not been current for 2 weeks by running rdiff-backup --remove-older-than 2W --force destination_dir. Note that an existing file which has not changed for a year will still be preserved. But a file which was deleted 15 days ago can not be restored after this command. Normally one should use --force since it is used to delete multiple increments at the same time which --remove-older-thanrefuses to do by default.
Only keeps the last n rdiff-backup sessions by running rdiff-backup --remove-older-than 20B --force destination_dir.
Lists increments in given golder by rdiff-backup --list-increments destination_dir/.
Lists of files changed in last 5 days by rdiff-backup --list-changed-since 5D destination_dir/.
Compare the difference between source and bak by rdiff-backup --compare user@host::source-dir destination_dir
Compare the sifference between source and bak (as it was two weeks ago) by rdiff-backup --compare-at-time 2W user@host::source-dir destination_dir. A complete script (automatically sync using crontab)
export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:/soft/rdiff_backup/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
rdiff-backup --no-compression -v5 --exclude '**trash' user@server::source/ bak_dir/
if test $ret -ne 0; then
echo "Wrong in bak" | mutt -s "Wrong in bak"
echo "Right in bak" | mutt -s "Right in bak"
echo "Finish rdiff-backup $0 ---`date`---" >>bak.log 2>&1
echo "`rdiff-backup --exclude '**trash' --compare-at-time 1D user@server::source/ bak_dir/`" | mutt -s "Lists of baked files"